Double Standard: Two Sides of the Same Coin
While the US government and much of the mainstream media blame Hamas for the current crisis in Palestine, more indepth reporting provides a deeper understanding as evident by former President Jimmy Carter comments in a Reuters report this week. He warned that plans to assist Palestinians in the West Bank were an attempt to "reward them," while continuing to "punish" the 1.5 million aid-dependent Palestinians in Gaza. "This effort to divide Palestine into two peoples now, I think it is a step in the wrong direction," he said. For more commentary and analysis on the crisis, see the collection of articles at the bottom of this message. ------------------------ Double Standard: Two Sides of the Same Coin The definition of a double standard is "an ethical or moral code that applies more strictly to one group than to another." Many critics of US foreign policy point out clear examples of double standards in current events, namely, the U.S. allows itsel...