Never a Dull Moment: Venturing Off the Starting Line of Social Networking
Never a dull moment. That's how I would describe the second session on using social media tools for non-profits because we had lots of good questions and discussion. We covered another set of social network/media tools -- Youtube Channel, Flickr for groups, podcasting -- then showcased The Pixel Project non-profit group's global campaign to reduce violence against women. The Pixel Project uses social networking as a crucial means to fulfill their group's cause, which is why it was showcased last night. One of the take-aways from the Communiversity class is that there are different levels to using social media. The first level might be "just starting," when you're unsure of how the social networking tool works and skeptical about the value to your organization. Another level might be "one-way communication" to your group's followers. Many groups use Twitter to send information about events, but don't use it to engage supporters. The next lev...