How to "Let Go" and start blogging
Attended keynote address on blogging by Atlantic journalist Andrew Sullivan at the Non-Profit Technology Conference in Atlanta on April 9. The conference title makes most people think it deals with technology, servers, and computers, but the real buzz of the conference is using new social media tools for fundraising and publicity, in short, how to communicate effectively. Sullivan spoke about his groundbreaking effort at blogging on his "Daily Dish" for, starting in 2000. He shared his experience of posting to the blog twenty times per day, five days per week with a gazillion people following his moves. My first thought was how is the experience of one of the most popular, persistent bloggers relevant to most people starting out or blogging for non-profit organizations. Blogging has seemed to be more self-centered than a reporter's approach, though some of the best blogs clearly transcend these barriers. I'm thinking of two blogs that have shown me th...