
Showing posts from August, 2011

National Food Day webinar focuses on food and farm workers

The Center for Science in the Public Interest is organizing the national Food Day for October 24, 2011, and encouraging individuals and groups to organize local events on or around that date. In order to organize Food Day into a formidable series of events to advocate for food policy to address nutrition, economics, and sustainability, the organizers have scheduled a webinar focusing on food and farmworkers for Wednesday, August 31 from 2-3pm Eastern Time. Here's a bit more about the webinar: With deplorable conditions on many farms and in meat processing operations, several experts including: Chris Bohner of UNITE HERE, David Schwartz of Real Food Challenge, and Vice President of Bon Appetit Management Company, Maisie Greenawal, will discuss efforts to solve this problem.  Register today!  

Public Computer Centers Reduce -- not Solve -- the Digital Divide

I recently listened to a presentation on how to evaluate the costs and benefits to a public computer center program by a representative of the Colorado state library system. The expansive program has created 81 centers with public computers throughout the state with 5 full-time employees to maintain the program, including training for computer users. The program provides access to 450 desktop computers, 700 laptops, and has offered training for 10,000 computer users. An example of one of Colorado's public computer centers. While the presentation was focused on helping organizations track and evaluate their public computer  programs, they revealed a tremendously helpful resource for low-income community members. A successful public computer center provides easy computer access and skills training, which is what the Colorado program set out to accomplish. Their focus is computer skills, workforce and employment services, as well as health education and English as a ...