
Showing posts from September, 2013

"A Place at the Table" Film Draws Attention to Poverty Problems

Harvesters food bank in Kansas City sponsored a screening and discussion of “ A Place at the Table ” this week at the Alamo Drafthouse theater. This film covers a wide landscape of hunger in the U.S., including a historical perspective that attributes the 1968 “Hunger in America” news report by CBS as influencing Congress to enact laws on child nutrition and hunger relief. The legislation significantly reduced poverty and improved the quality of life for working poor people. This poverty reduction approach is an example of how to reduce hunger in the U.S., which by accounts is worse than during the Johnson Administration’s work on the “War on Poverty.” The film featured several individuals and their struggle to make ends meet. A single mother with two kids, who sadly was unable to get food assistance after she got a job working the “Hunger Hotline.” She was a stoic young woman who discussed her situation -- a 2-year old son with some health issues, experiencing hunger and poor food ...

KKFI 90.1 FM Community Radio Faced Hurdles and Seeks to Adapt to New Realities

Since serving on the KKFI board of directors for three-plus years I've witnessed a range of activities which indicate the station is moving in a positive and stable direction, but KKFI faces some serious challenges to remain relevant and grow, while staying true to it's mission. For those of you with your ear tuned to the community radio world all is not calm in the world of community radio -- WBAI, one of five Pacifica Radio Network stations, laid off 19 of 29 employees last month as a step to fix it's $3 million debt; WPFW, the Washington DC-based Pacifica station, has seen a large drop in listeners and has been working to correct "six-figure deficits;" KBOO in Portland is in the middle of a nasty public dispute ; and Pacifica announced recently that Free Speech Radio News may be shutting operations due to a financial crisis at the radio network. In the public radio sphere National Public Radio announced last week that it is seeking to reduce it's ...