
Showing posts from October, 2014

"Soul and Soil" at Rural Life Day 2014

Conferences usually provide a welcome break from the daily toil by getting practitioners, activists and experts together to think and talk about the topic at hand. This was the case at the Rural Life Day in 2013 hosted by Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri, and promises to be the case this year with the conference theme "Soul and Soil In A Changing Climate." Join the conference on December 6, 2014 in Jefferson City, Missouri by registering for the day-long event . Here is the full conference statement: How we treat our farms, forests, mineral resources, and waters, how we structure our food systems, even what we eat day-to-day are all within our control and by these actions we are tied to the economic, political, and ecological order of our planet. At its core, the interlocking global environmental, climate, food, and natu-ral resource crises are a moral challenge that calls us to examine and change the way we use and share the earth’s finite res...