How to join a "citizen dialog" on homelessness in the Kansas City area

Jeremy Alderson, director of the national Homelessness Marathon, participated in a community dinner on Saturday, January 16 to share information about a radio broadcast on homelessness at KKFI studios. The purpose of the event was to bring people together to build support for the annual radio show broadcast to 100 radio stations throughout the U.S. and Canada.

Alderson remarked how homelessness and poverty are likely to increase despite the heightened focus to these issues during the 14-hour national radio broadcast.  He stressed the importance of people working together to end homelessness. Like the suffrage and civil rights movements, sometimes the way forward is attacked, Alderson added, but still calls for people to keep working.

Jeff Humfeld, coordinator of the Homelessness Marathon broadcast on KKFI 90.1 FM, described Listening Rooms as a way to begin "citizen dialog" on the issue, a way to engage community members in understanding and working on homelessness and housing. Here's some information on how groups can set up Listening Rooms.
Civic Groups, Churches, Shelters, Food Pantries, Neighborhood Associations and Agencies hold Listening Rooms during part or all of the Homelessness Marathon broadcast. Invite your local and state representatives, your members, donors, local media, clients, staff and neighbors. Your gathering can discuss what you are hearing on the broadcast, call the toll free number to comment on air during the broadcast and decide among yourselves what you or your group are going to do in the next year to affect this problem.
Van used to transport people that are homeless in KC.
Kar Woo with Artists Helping the Homeless described his nonprofit's focus on filling a niche service for homeless people in Kansas City at the dinner. The group provides transportation services for homeless people, as well as operates a shelter for people that need a temporary place to stay while waiting for services. He mentioned how the shelter provides a place for five youth that are not eligible for housing through other programs. The shelter also provides an option to stay off the streets for those waiting to enter detox programs.

  • To hear more from Jeremy Alderson, director of the Homelessness Marathon, tune into "Tell Somebody" on KKFI 90.1 FM on Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at 6:00 pm Central Time. You can listen live from your computer by going to


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