A Report on "Giant Brothels" on Community Radio - what level will they stoop to?!
Honey Bee on Winter Aconite. Credit: Tie Guy II/ flickr |
The report aired on KKFI 90.1 FM, but could also be heard on the Making Contact website, so I finished listening to "Bees: The Threatened Link in Food Security" report later. I heard some astonishing facts such as two-thirds of US beehives are transported to California to pollinate almond plants during the growing season. And the reporter described the bee activity in the almond groves as a "giant brothel" with their ravenous intermingling.
It was a really strong report on the drastic decline of bees in the US, and aired perspectives on the reasons for the decline by a range of individuals including Khalid, who speculated that pollution was the cause. Others during the report pointed to the increase in pesticides as the cause, which was also discussed in a Harvest Public Media report titled "The studied life of bees: Assessing the sting of neonic pesticides" from earlier in 2011.
Reporting like this is one of the reasons why I donate to KKFI, which aired the report, and why I made sure to make a financial contribution today.