Discovering the extent of homelessness in the Kansas City area

Georgia Walker with the Homeless Services Coalition of Greater Kansas City facilitated a training session for emergency assistance agency representatives and supporters at the KC Salvation Army headquarters on January 18. Agencies included government organizations, schools, housing groups like Phoenix Family Housing, and counseling groups, to name a few. The session was attended by 50 or more individuals who will participate in the January 25, 2012 point-in-time count of people that are homeless in this area.

Ms. Walker mentioned the count, like last year's count, was meant to discover “what are the needs in the community" in order to direct resources and services to the need. One example of the benefits of this discovery could be a new shelter dedicated for single, homeless women as reported in a Kansas City Star article this week.

I met Pat Wilkins, Executive Director of the Greater Kansas City Housing Information Center, who noted an increase in housing requests and advice due to foreclosures.

The training session provided instructions for people who will spread out across the city and conduct the survey. Ms. Walker mentioned that survey takers would be sent to various locations -- bridges, libraries, motels, and parks. She said that women and children live in almost every park in the city. "We see them gathering their things, getting kids ready for school" in the morning.

To help with the point-in-time count, reach out to Georgia Walker at or 816-924-7997.


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