Jeff City Residents Call for Continued Funding of Community TV Station

The News Tribune reported today that Jeff City residents and Lincoln University administrators, including Lincoln University President Kevin Rome, asked Jefferson City council members to continue funding JCTV, the community TV station serving that area.

The city is considering cutting the $110,000 funding to the station as reported by KRCG TV13.

Rome sees the importance of JCTV for the university when he said “I would like to see that relationship grow and flourish,” Rome said. “When you invest in Lincoln University, you invest in the community.”

The station does not seem to be doing any groundbreaking investigative reporting -- a recent episode of "Missouri River Regional Library Show" focused on quilting and fiber arts. However, t
he station's programming does include about 30% educational programs, according to JCTV station manager Gloria Enloe. And JCTV airs recordings of Jefferson City council meetings and planning and zoning meetings, which addresses the importance of transparent government, a topic not lost on city council members as evident from the July 15th council meeting. 

The possible defunding of JCTV will likely not result in a city shutdown or general strike as occurred in Greece when legislators shutdown state TV there, but local residents and concerned citizens should consider the impact to democratic institutions in Jeff City before the lights go out on JCTV.

You can make your opinion heard by calling or writing a Jefferson City council member -- information available at


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